How Does the DUAL Curriculum Work

For our engineering courses
- two terms per year, start of university year in September
- per term: 50% theoretical education, 50% practical work experience within an employment company
- our curriculum requires an employment contract as pre-requisite
- illustration of educational phasing:

Dual System in the Field of Health
- „On-the-job training“ is integrated part of the studies, and is therefore a precondition to apply successfully
- studies are only possible in combination with training!
- joint teaching of vocational training school and hochschule 21
- study contract with hochschule 21
- vocational training contract with one of our partners

Entwerfen von Tragwerken, Baustatik, Baukonstruktion und Bauphysik
- Stv. Studiengangsleitung Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Bau und Immobilien DUAL
- Room 555
- betzler(at)
- +49 4161 648-148

Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Thorsten Hermes
Technische Informatik
- Vizepräsident
- Fachbereichsleitung Technik
- Stv. Studiengangsleitung Ingenieurwesen Mechatronik DUAL
- Room 329
- hermes(at)
- +49 4161 648-161