hochschule 21 is a private, state-recognized university of applied sciences with practical and training-integrated dual study courses, which sees istelf as a university "in the region and for the region".
It supports the Bologna Process and, despite its regional focus, attaches great importance to an international and cosmopolitan education. All degree programmes are designed as modularised degree programmes with the ECTS credit system and offer internationally comparable Bachelor's degrees.
By participating in the Erasmus+ and PROMOS programmes, hochschule 21 supports the Cooperation with foreign companies and universities. It is a founding member of the Baltic Sea Academy.
- Internationalisation strategy of hochschule 21
(The present internationalisation strategy is based on the mission statement of hochschule 21 of December 21, 2015 and is intended as a supplement to the current "ERASMUS Policy Statement".)

hochschule 21 has been participating in the Lifelong Learning/ERASMUS programme since 2007 and in the Erasmus programme since 2014.
- Erasmus Policy Statement (EPS 2014-2020) and
- Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE 2014-2020)
- Erasmus Policy Statement (EPS 2021-2027) and
- Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE 2021-2027)
At hochschule 21, students are funded by the Erasmus programme for studies and internships and university staff is supported for teaching and further education in other European countries.
Erasmus+ (duration 2021 – 2027) is the European Union's programme for education, youth and sport. Any higher education institution wishing to participate in the Erasmus+ programme must have a valid Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE). The ECHE is awarded by the European Commission. It proves that a university meets all the requirements for successful participation in the Erasmus+ programme.
The Erasmus+ programme contains three key actions:
Key Action 1 – Mobility of individuals
Key Action 2 – Cooperation among organisations and institutions
Key Action 3 – Support to policy development and cooperation
Further information on Erasmus+ can be found on the website of the European Commission.
Erasmus+ National Agency for Higher Education in Germany is the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
PROMOS (Programme to Increase the Mobility of Students of German Universities)

hochschule 21 has been participating in the PROMOS programme since 2012 and supports study visits and internships as well as study trips worldwide.
The PROMOS programme has been funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) since 2010 with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The objectives of the programme are to support the university's own internationalisation strategy and to increase the mobility of students and doctoral candidates from German universities..
Further information on the PROMOS programme can be found on the DAAD website.

Dr. rer. nat.
Mariam Schmidt
- International Office
Montag bis Donnerstag
- Room 404
- schmidt(at)
- +49 4161 648-275