Welcome to Buxtehude | Willkommen! Bienvenue!

The International Office of hochschule 21 cordially welcomes the students of all partner universities who decided to spend one term/year of their studies or one practical period in Buxtehude!
On this website you will find our ECTS course catalogue information for your Erasmus exchange with hochschule 21.
Some of the degree courses at hochschule 21 are open for exchange students. All of them are undergraduate programs with modules und ECTS-credit points. The courses are conducted in German language. The study system is `dual´ which means there is a constant alternation of theoretical and practical periods (duration: 3 months each) in the engineering courses. In Physiotherapy the training at a specialized vocational school (“The Elbe Clinics Stade-Buxtehude” or the higher education institution “ The Hamburg-Eppendorf University Medical Centre”) is part of the degree course.
Erasmus Partner Universities
With these Erasmus partner universities hochschule 21 has signed Erasmus Inter-Institutional Agreements for student exchange.
Academic Calendar
Study Structure
- Architecture DUAL
- Building Services Engineering DUAL
- Civil Engineering DUAL
- Industrial Engineering and Management Construction and Real-estate DUAL
- Mechatronics DUAL
- Physiotherapy DUAL
Course Catalogue
Erasmus Guide
In the Erasmus-Guide you will find important information for your stay at hochschule 21, such as practical hints to topics like:
- preparation
- accommodation/housing
- health insurance
- arrival and
- enrolment.
hochschule 21 has experience in dealing with people with disabilities. Our aim is to develop individual solutions with exchange students and guests from abroad in order to enable them to spend time abroad at hochschule 21 in Buxtehude. Therefore the coordinators of the partner universities are asked to inform the international office of hochschule 21 already at the time of nomination about the disabilities of their exchange students or staff and their special needs. Contact persons are Prof. Barbara Zimmermann (head of degree course Physiotherapy) and Dr. Mariam Schmidt (International Office).
The International Office of hochschule 21 will also provide assistance, when required, in securing visas for incoming mobile participants. In this case please contact Dr. Mariam Schmidt immediately after your nomination.
More Links
Grading Scheme
The grading scheme in Germany usually comprises five levels (with numerical equivalents; intermediate grades may be given): "Sehr Gut" (1) = Very Good; "Gut" (2) = Good; "Befriedigend" (3) = Satisfactory; "Ausreichend" (4) = Sufficient; "Nicht ausreichend" (5) = Non-Sufficient/Fail. The minimum passing grade is "Ausreichend" (4). Verbal designations of grades may vary in some cases and for doctoral degrees.
Description of the grades:
1 = Very good, an excellent achievement,
2 = Good, an above average achievement,
3 = Satisfactory, an average achievement,
4 = Sufficient, an achievement that is still adequate, despite deficiencies,
5 = Fail, an achievement that does not meet the requirements due to severe deficiencies.
In addition hochschule 21 uses for all courses the ECTS grading scheme, which operates with the levels A (best 10 %), B (next 25 %), C (next 30 %), D (next 25 %), and E (next 10 %).

Dr. rer. nat.
Mariam Schmidt
- International Office
Montag bis Donnerstag
- Room 404
- schmidt(at)hs21.de
- +49 4161 648-275